September 21, 2001

A Selection of Quotes

Posted by Scott at 09:39 AM

Courtesy of Bud Macfarlane Jr..

"One ought never to allow a disorder to take place in order to avoid war, for war is not thereby avoided, but only deferred to your disadvantage." --Machiavelli

"The purpose of all war is peace." --Saint Augustine

"As long as war is regarded as wicked it will always have its fascinations. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular." --Oscar Wilde

"Civil wars are the greatest of all evils." --Blaise Pascal

"Child of God, therefore children of God, therefore brothers. All wars are civil wars." --Eric Gill

"Because it brings the shattering of the peacetime illusion that events tomorrow will be as they are today, war can turn men to God. Because war brings suffering, it can turn men to God in repentance." --G.K. MacBrien

"War is sweet to those who don't know it." --Erasmus
