June 06, 2012

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning all! It was kind of a slow one today. I got the girls dropped off at their schools. Then I quickly stopped by Cafe on the Oval to be a counter critter and snarf down a quick omelette. I offered up the Glorious Mysteries for Michelle on my commute down and caught up on news with my dad the rest of the commute. 9:00am

Funny Public Service Announcement: Vertical Videos... Just say No! I'm lookin' at you, mobile phone video shooters... 9:15am

Via CurtJester: “Liberalism: You can't legislate morality, but can legislate plastic bags, soda sizes, toilet bowl tank capacity, light bulbs, etc.” 10:14am

Via mattswaim: “Can we stop the ‘Catholics don't care about children after birth’ nonsense? Signed, A Member of the World's Largest Charitable Institution.” 10:15am

Via rob_pike: “Hardware is a thousand times faster, bigger, and more reliable than it once was. Modern software does everything it can to hide these facts.” 10:16am

If you are on LinkedIn, you probably want to change your password. Read about the breakin. Of course if you already had a strong password, having the hashed version out there in the open isn't much risk... 10:49am

Click to see more detailBest Venus Transit photo yet! I foresee new cell phone wallpaper... 10:50am

Regarding the Walker win in Wisconsin: I don't remember this much complaining about campaign spending when Obama vastly outspent McCain. Strange. Oh wait, that would be racist to do. 10:55am

Just back from lunch with my spiritual director. Now for a 1 o'clock conference call and more test development for the new GPU. Michelle says the lawn crew came just in time before another rain shower arrived. 1:08pm

Slideshow: Heavy-metal high-end audio. Back in my college days, a slideshow like this would have me drooling. 3:01pm

Left work a bit early, listening to EWTN on the drive north. Went straight to Golds Gym for tonight's cardio and strength class. Being floor work, it wasn't my favorite but it was still a good workout. Because so many of Michelle's MA General Hospital visits were on Wednesdays, I'd missed this time slot for quite a while. 7:01pm

Helped Maria get her iPad setup with our WiFi and then set her up to Skype her family back in South Carolina. And true to form, my boys all started acting goofy in the background for the webcam. 7:54pm

Michelle got the twins tucked in bed with their prayers and I took care of Timothy. One last footnote: For the past 3 doses Michelle has been able to take her Xeloda without the anti-nausea Compazine. And actually she feels better without it. Good night all! 9:00pm

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice
but rather of power and love and self-control.
So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord.”
2 Timothy 1
