January 24, 2011

Really? How cold?!

Posted by Scott at 09:13 PM

Good morning! Had a nippy commute into the office after dropping the girls off at their schools. See snapshot below... My po' Jetta! 9:15am

Smooth, sunny commute in, despite the cold. Listened to more of "Life of Mary" along the way. Today's chapters: life during Jesus' preaching and the events leading up to the Passion. Had about 50 emails waiting for me when I got in. Time to get back to test creation. 9:40am

Via 1romancatholic: “There are two types of men, those who are afraid to lose God, and those who are afraid that they might find Him…” —Blaise Pascal. 10:01am

State of the Union drinking game: use the words “investment” and “civility” as triggers. 2:00pm

Left the office on the late side, late enough that I missed my class at Golds. Claire did take it though. I drove straight to the gym to pick her up after class. After a quick dinner I helped her better understand factoring of quadratic equations. Now that I've tucked the boys in with their prayers, now it's time to dig into next Sunday's reading as prep for Wednesday's RCIA class. 8:55pm

Snapshots I took today:
Thumbnail of Nippy! 
