April 13, 2008

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Michael has had two cases of Hyper Accelerated Reverse Peristalsis (harp'ing) this morning. The second time he even got it all in a bucket. 5:47am

I took the other 4 kids to Mass & breakfast. I brought Michelle back a coffee & a bear claw pastry. Michael is still not fully recovered. 8:50am

Truly laughing out loud (LOL) at the Papist Picture of the Day (but more importantly, the caption). (related link) 8:58am

Spring is here and our brook is flowing steadily. (related link) 12:40am

Poor Michael. Not well enough to go out, but too bored to stay in bed. (related link) 12:41am

With Michael's stomach still recovering, we're not going to head out for dinner. Instead I'm about to pick up pizzas from Valentino's. 5:03pm

Spoke w/my dad while supervising Daniel & Timothy playing by our brook. I'm excited to see my folks in about a week, weather permitting. 6:13pm

I hadn't backed up my site's content since August 2006?! Bad papa! 4 1/2 megabytes of text data now archived -- just in case. 7:47pm

Once again amazed at the cool things one can do with Yahoo Pipes. It is a great information filter for things you like to monitor. 8:39pm

I've lost count of how many recent Sundays have been plagued by an illness in the Bilik household. Hopefully not when the folks visit soon! 8:40pm
