November 07, 2007

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:44 PM

Dropped Claire off and had a smooth drive in. I have to skip today's gym class because of a customer issue. 09:11am

Corporate IT is blocking the whole internet at the moment. We're hoping it's just a configuration mistake. 09:14am

Ah, phew! IT rebooted the "inappropriate material" firewall. I'm told it has a "if I'm broken, block everything" default setting. Yikes! 09:56am

As annoying as gas prices have been, it could be worse. We could, like China, try (try) to control the price. (related link) 11:14am

For a change of pace I went to the nearby Hannaford (grocery store) salad bar and made one to bring back to the office for lunch. 01:33pm

Finished helping Michael with his reading and Claire with her science homework. Soon I'm off to help at RCIA. 07:01pm

Back from RCIA class. Tonight's topic: the history & development of the New Testament writings, and next Sunday's theme of the Resurrection. 09:28pm

News item: "overweight people have a lower death rate than people who are normal weight, underweight or obese." (related link) 09:59pm
