May 24, 2002

What did he know...

Posted by Scott at 04:02 PM

and when did he know it. That's what the Democrat leadership is asking of the Bush administration regarding the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. I have to agree with Ann Coulter who counter-criticizes the Democrats when she asks what difference it would make. So much of 2000-2001 centered around eliminating racial profiling that even if the FBI/CIA/etc sent word up the chain of command, almost any action would have evoked a tirade of "ethnic/racial profiling" cries. One of my favorite quotes from Ann's article:

Memo to Democrats: Muslim men are plotting another terrorist attack on America right now! That's what you know. What are you doing about it? Directing airport security to keep searching white paraplegics at the airport?
I think my friend, Stu, the business road warrior, could relate to that last sentence! Eh, Stu?

So far we have about a dozen viewings scheduled for our house tomorrow. Whoa!
