Reading a peek at Emacs 24. If that doesn't stereotype me, nothin' will.
Video: The Life of Hurricane Irene from Caribbean to Canada, via NASA. Now I want to find Tropical Storm Lee.
Good morning! I dropped the girls off at their schools and head down to Boxborough. I listened to Tech News Today #327: The End of Wintel? along the way. Near the end got to talk to my dad and wish mom well as her chemotherapy regimen shifts to Navelbine today. I hope her body tolerates that more easily than what she went through this past year! Meanwhile this afternoon Michelle has radiation therapy session #3.
So our many years old iPod centered boom box died last weekend. Any recommendations on the current crop of contenders??
The next version on Android will be ‘Jelly Bean’? I was hoping for ‘Jalapeño’ (i.e. Hot!) but I guess they have to stick with dessert names.
Steven Moffat, creator of the BBC Sherlock Holmes reboot, is justifiably a bit annoyed, (related link) , as CBS makes their own modern day Sherlock.
Very excited. I finally met a major design goal today. Yes, it was harder than expected, but it is cool to finally see it working.
Went with three of my GPU peeps for lunch at Savory Lane. The food is always high quality, but often more than I want to spend for lunch. My tiny grilled cheese and cup of soup: ~$10. Yes, high quality bread and tasty soup, but $10 at Cafe on the Oval leaves you feeling stuffed and is served much faster.
Obama admin skirts New Hampshire’s elected officials, awards $1 million to Planned Parenthood. While he may waffle and dither on some issues, it's good to know there are some non-negotiables for him, right? State won't fund PP, then by golly we'll fund it at a Federal level!! We spent last weekend remembering the ~3000 lives lost on 9/11. But the ~3000 US lives lost per day due to abortion? <<...crickets....>> In case you're weak at math, that's about 10 million US surgical abortions since the 9/11 attacks. OK, I'll climb down from my soapbox now... I've got work to do.
Nashua Telegraph:
Gov. Lynch, Executive Council commend [local NH icon] Al Kaprielian. He's quite a character in these parts! For context see a YouTube video of him before he retired from television.
I retweet'd a couple of Andy Ihnatko's optimistic thoughts on Windows 8 yesterday. Here is his more detailed write-up in the Chicago SunTimes.
Left work a smidge early and head north, offering up the Glorious Mysteries in day 8 of my lil' novena interceding for Michelle's successful treatment. Caught up with my dad to check how mom's treatment went this afternoon. Went straight to Golds Gym for tonight Step and Abs class.
When I got home Michelle was temporarily out taking Abby to Youth Group. I was happy to see that an old, out-of-print book recommended to me by a friend arrived in the mail this afternoon: My Prayer Book by Father Lasance.
Americans spent 53.5 billion minutes on Facebook in May 2011, more time than they do on any other website.
Had a Netflix DVD sitting on the shelf for a week. Time to HandBrake it to a TiVo so we can put it back in the mail.
Went out to pick up Abby from Youth Group. Tried to help Claire with her math homework, but it can be difficult when both of your brains are running out of steam. Getting the biggest kick out of Twitter's stream of people making fun of "attachwatch" -- a group supposedly dedicated to weeding out misinformation about our Dear Leader.